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Needs Analysis and
Engagement of Network Partners

Aims include ensuring that the project builds on already known research results and innovation project within the same field and presents a training needs analysis that focuses on present and future skills via a close collaboration with all partners in the triple helix partnerships.


Development of Learning Concepts
and Materials

Aims include developing three user-driven concepts that will help boost digital skill competency, innovation readiness, and implementation and change management skills. Development work is based on endeavours undertaken in Needs Analysis and Engagement of Network.


Testing and Implementation

Aims include testing the usability, relevance, and transferability of the three concepts that were developed in Development of Learning Concepts and Materials via a close collaboration with five test sites in each participating country.


and Sustainability

Aims include ensuring that material developed is presented in a coherent and inspiring fashion for all relevant stakeholders beyond the partnership to guarantee European sustainability and transferability of project results.


Dissemination and
Exploitation of Results

Aims include creating and executing communications and dissemination actions to promote awareness of the project, testing phases, and its results. These activities will also help support stakeholder engagement and contribute to the overall sustainability of the project outputs.

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