Summarised content:
How does the benefit of the techology reach the participant groups and what are the mechanisms of adoption
Expected achievement:
Technology adoption is about human anchoring. Implementation of technology is a change process and the expected achievement is a change in beavior among the healthcare professionels.
Organisational tasks
How is this task organised, who will be involved, how often will they meet, what is the expected result? And how are findings taken up by the organisation?
The full list could also include other processes where it might be relevant to introduce the new technology.
It is important that you identify a peer learning or superuser system that will allow new staff to be introduced to the technology after the end of the implementation process. The peer learning should not be vulnerable to rotations or frequent substitution of key staff.
Team related tasks
Exploratory ideas concerning the use of technology should flow to the Superusers, who in turn will contribute by follow up meetings focusing on realization of benefits
Shared decision making